La Onda Verde (LOV) hired San Pedro Productions to help them gain media exposure throughout Latin America during COP 21 in Paris, where 190 countries came together to address the issue of climate change. The result was a wide array of coverage in a variety of countries throughout Latin America.
La Onda Verde (LOV) es una iniciativa del Consejo para la Defensa de Recursos Naturales (NRDC), establecida en el 2004 para informar e involucrar a la comunidad Latina en la resolución de problemas ambientales. LOV trabaja para avanzar la protección del medio ambiente y la salud humana fomentando la participación de Latinos bilingües y de habla hispana en la protección ambiental y el desarrollo sustentable. La Onda Verde tiene sede en San Francisco, California, Los Angeles y Nueva York. También trabajamos con organizaciones socias desde la Florida.
La Onda Verda is an initiative of the Natural Resources Defense Council ( NRDC ) It was established in 2004 to inform and engage the Latino community in solving environmental problems. LOV works to advance environmental protection and human health by promoting the participation of bilingual and
Spanish-speaking Latinos in environmental protection and sustainable development. LOV is headquartered in San Francisco , California , Los Angeles and New York. They also work with partner organizations from Florida.
La Onda Verde Cumbre Paris
El Observador